

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Memorial Weekend!! 2012

Memorial Weekend in Madrid Iowa!

Landon and my weekend started early Friday morning with some Ankeny garage saleing and picking up supplies around town.  I scored big and bad when I brought home two big bags of clothes for Landon that cost me $8.90!!  I love finding crafting supplies at garage sales too, cheap children's clothes that can be turned into something amazing or even clothes with interesting fabric to be creative with.

Friday night Jared and I went to the Iowa Barnstormers game in Des Moines at Wells Fargo, with all the guys and gals that I work with in Huxley at Ballard Dental Associates. The Barnstormers didn't win but we did have a fun time as always!!  Cruising in the limo and going out for Dinner downtown at Legends was delicious, even though we got hailed on!!  Thank you Auntie Karen for coming to babysit baby Landon, I know you needed a baby fix anyways.  You have the magic touch because he was out by 7:30!

 I've never seen Arena Football before and it was actually kind of cool.. there were no sidelines so the fans could pretty much reach out into the end zone and touch the player.... and they did all the time.

Ballard Dental at your service :)

Onto Saturday ---- what a fun day!! I spent all morning cooking and preparing food and snacks for the whole weekend so that we could relax and not have to do anything but grill everyday.  Saturday afternoon Lisa and Logan came over for some pool time.  Landon got this sweet-ass pool for his b-day from his rents and wanted to have buddies over to chill in it real bad!!
Swimming laps with Logan

Landon trying to share.... he did hog those diving sticks the entire time!!

Playing baseball!
The boys trying to fix that dang train... Logan later had a meltdown over it..
 Saturday night was a whole lotta nothing thanks to lack of baby sitter... I missed Megan's big 3-0 which she got wasted and did a pole dance at the lumber yard........ HAHAHAHA she literally did none of that but would have been funny if she did :)  Happy Birthday old Lady!
Oh there was one thing Saturday night......
Landon running laps in his new boots!!
 Sunday Funday!!  Got new custom shelves installed in Landon's closet to hold all his crap!!  They look awesome, turns out I forgot to take a picture, I will add it to a different post.  Landon had an incident in the pool on Saturday where he ended up under water and pretty much he hates the pool now.... it was only for a split second and I grabbed him right away, no idea how he did it but my adrenaline was going crazy!!!
Landon being naughty.. trying to eat dirt.
 That afternoon we headed to Des Moines, southside for a BBQ at Anton's house.  Anton is Jared's immediate manager at work/usher in our wedding/Jared's "black" friend.. everybody has one.  There was a handful of kids there, all a little to old for Landon to keep up with. Isaac is Anton and Pam's son and he is going to be 5, he loves karate and set up a couple of karate moves on Landon and I had to rescue him--- kids be crazy!!

Landon just wanted to go play with those kids, he watched them from the deck until he got brave enough to go down the ramp.. then he fell about 1/2 a dozen times and found a cigarette butt that he tried to smoke.......... seriously now...
Isaac and Landon

Only the black kid would be doing a slip-n-slide in this fashion.. oh Isaac.  In reality not a single one of these kids understood how to do a slip in slide the would push themselves down the alley until they were at the bottom.  WTH kids run and slide, don't you watch TV!!

 Landon's first Bomb Pop, could you believe that he loved it?  What doesn't he love, he ate almost an entire box worth of cereal off the deck that another kid spilled.  I'm sure I got the #1 mom award for that.  I did draw the line at the cigarette butt though, that got ripped out of his mouth immediately but 50 pieces of KIX.... enjoy Landon!!

He got the "make a mess" part down immediately!

Monday is finally here, Jared is working on my CRAFT TABLE that's right, I said CRAFT TABLE.  Jared is now contributing to my addiction of crafting and making me a station to keep all my crap so that he doesn't have to see it all the time!  Thanks Jared!!!

I felt the need to add this photo just so you could see how redneck we got with the Tahoe in the yard and a big saw in the driveway.  Oh and there is a huge bag of beer cans in the back of the truck.... yeeehhaawww!

Landy helping daddy with his drill.  Usually he prefers to put the drill tip in his mouth, he really wants to be a dentist when he grows up

My sweet little helper!

I of course did some crafting while Jared was busy building.  I've been trying to make decorations for every holiday, so now I'm onto the 4th of July. 
The start of my flag sign
Finished product!! 
I just repainted these, they were my neighbors and she was going to throw them away.

Landon on his train, he loves this thing!  He still can not reach the ground when he is on it so I have to push him everywhere.  Therefore I don't like the train......

Getting ready for a stroll in his new shades.  He will only leave them on for about 7 seconds so I had to take a quick photo.  He fell asleep once I got to the end of the driveway.  That is a tired boy!!

Jared thinks he is  pro fisherman so that is how we ended our Monday.  Landon's first fishing trip was not really what Jared had envisioned but it was fun none the less.  We went just outside of Madrid to a private pond of an acquaintance of mine.
What kind of Lure's does daddy have?

He didn't know what to think about the fish at first....

Then he loved them!!
 These are just some shots of the cutest blonde I've ever seen!!!

 BBAHAHAHAHA Landon's first fish.............. he hated everything about it!!!!!!
I asked him if he wants to pet the fishy and this is what he does, shoves his finger in his mouth as far as he can!!!!  Now he likes the fishy but the fishy does NOT like him!!
Landon's girlfriend Evelyn came over with her mommy and daddy later on for some delicious ribs smoked by PIT MASTER LENEHAN!!  They were delicious!  The kids frolicked around and played with all of Landon's toys.  Evie is a walker now so she shuffled around the deck and of course the train was quite popular, as it has been all weekend long!!
Let me give you a push my lady!

Yeah, that's Pooh, he's a cool guy.

Man, those baby blues are gorgeous, I could stare into your eyes all night..

 See ya'all later!! :)

1 comment:

  1. Oh how I hope you are not planning on running for public office! This post is full of political incorrectness and awesome mothering! (I def would have let my kid eat that cereal too!)
